Joe's "Wake Up America!" talk [10 min.]
25th Annual Consistent Life Ethic Conference, Washington, D.C.

Joe takes to the streets of Columbus, Georgia
[video by the Ledger Independent newspaper]

Joe's "Concerned Parents" talk to the General Assembly
Annual Green Party National Convention -- 7/2007

A day on the road... in Ft. Collins, Colorado
[short Life Tree Documentary]
“Lifetree Café Productions” caught up with us in Ft. Collins, Colorado. The organization puts together short video documentaries on a variety of subjects and shows them at their “cafes” across the country each week, followed by round table discussions about the documentary topic. Their people followed us around for half a day that was actually part of a typical day for us in yet another city in our journeys. And also interspersed in, are some brief explanations about why we do what we do.

Green Party National Convention Presidential Candidate Press Conference [2007]
Joe appears at: 12:50; 26:50; 37:27 and 49:15 Some of the issues addressed include: global warming; Hispanic immigration; the national debt – each as applicable now, as then.