Recent Writing
Being president requires, well, knowing a lot of things...
As noted elsewhere on this site, my wife was the publisher for two high-gloss rather quality neighborhood magazines in Findlay, Ohio. I wrote a good number of articles for the publications. Findlay, Ohio (population 41,200) is a typical Midwestern intermediate sized town with quite a diverse mix of things. In turn, I reported on a diverse mix of topics. As I've also mentioned, being a journalist has given me insight into a broad swath of things -- that will prove invaluable in the presidency.
For instance, some of the subject areas I've reported on for the magazine have included: An interview with the president of the University of Findlay on current educational trends. An interview with Findlay's Economic Development coordinator to learn about multi-faceted strategies to grow the city's economy. An interview with a local financial adviser and his takes on: the Federal Reserve's "quantitative easing," President Trump's move toward more multi-lateral trade deals, stock and bond market dynamics... An interview with Findlay's mayor around the dynamics of a Findlay/Japan liaison (the city has attracted some 10 major Japanese corporations to the area). A series of interviews with the director, program coordinator and a high profile consultant (he was on the Obama Administration "Drug Task Force), for a two-part series about the county's comprehensive Drug & Alcoholism treatment programs.
For the magazines monthly "Making a Difference" page, some of the interviews have been with: a local ophthalmologist who started an impressive Eye Clinic in Zambia; an emergency room doctor who, in his spare time, has started a downtown Findlay coffee shop where all the profit goes to local and Third World charities; the director of the local United Way on local "food insecurity" and what his agency is doing to impact that; a retired teacher who is quite active with DOVE (Development of Vietnam Endeavors) -- bringing all kinds of aid to that country...
Our campaign platform calls for a major resurgence of small business. And some of the interviews in this area (for the"Business Beat" section of the magazine) have been about: a small third generation glass factory; an arts & crafts shop that features only local artists; a local inventor; one of the funkiest eye glass shops in the country; a green "earth easy" carpet cleaner; a business park that's run primarily on wind energy; an architectural firm that specializes in geothermal design, a local car dealer icon...
Then there has been just a tremendously wide variety of human interest stories.
The following are just a few examples of some of all this writing...