Joe's Media Quotes

"We should make war on social injustice and poverty."
-LA Times (Orange County edition)
"We think the country was built on ethnic cleansing (of the Native Americans) and we've never owned up to that."
-Lewiston (WA) Morning Tribune
"What we see today is a consumption society that values material wealth above social health."
-Bangor (ME) Daily News
"We're living in a modern day Holocaust (with abortion), unparalleled in the history of mankind."
-The Courier newspaper, Savannah, Tennessee
"[We are] pro-Life across-the-board - no abortion, death penalty or euthanasia; no poverty, pollution or anything else that will prematurely end life."
-Rome Tribune, Rome, Georgia
"What if we let the weapons inspectors into Montana? What would they find? Some 2,000 weapons of mass destruction aimed all over the world."
-ABC News, Toledo, Ohio
"We'd like to see the country go back to a time when there were a lot more family farms and everyone farmed naturally (no toxic chemicals)."
-Greenville (OH) Daily Advocate
"On the current astronomical National Debt: We need someone in D.C. with a calculator, that works, said Schriner."
-Delphos (OH) News Herald
"We'd like to see small town common sense people in D.C. uncomplicating the government, making it a lot more user friendly for everybody."
-The Reflector, Mississippi State University
"I think the biggest part of anyones life should be their spirituality, said Schriner. And from that should flow their decision making about family, and about work, and about involvement in community."
-Jasper Indiana newspaper
"As president of the country, I would be way more apt to throw out the first pitch at one of these small town youth parks, than I would at, say, the Twins stadium, said Schriner. It is these kids who need our attention."
-Aitkin (MN) Independent Age newspaper
"We just dont think the climate is all that healthy to raise children", the Ohio native said. "Instead of joining the PTA, we decided to run for president."
-Naples (Fla) Daily News
"When we lose a family farm, we lose more than the farm. We lose part of the fabric of life in America."
-The Country Today
"I'm a concerned parent. Between the drugs, the violence, the pollution levels, and abortion we just dont think its a healthy environment to be raising kids."
-Daily Rocket-Miner newspaper, Rock Springs, WY.
"The environment continues to get worse. We always use the example of ozone. Its kind of a dressed up word for rust when it oxidizes in your lungs. We just dont think its fair for little kids to be breathing that stuff."
-Nebraska City (NE) News-Press.
"We are called to be really good environmental stewards."
-Lake City Reporter newspaper, Lake City, Fla.
"How it (the campaign) has affected our children is they aren't growing up in a protective bubble. When our Sarah was three-and-a half years old she saw her first homeless person lying on a street in Savannah, Georgia (during a campaign stop). She asked me what was wrong. I said he was homeless. She looked instantly aghast, pulled at my shirt and implored: Daddy, Daddy weve got to find him a home! Our answer to homelessness in the country? Everybody become three and a half years old again."
-The Peoples Defender newspaper, West Union, Ohio
"We think in a saner America, no little kids would be in positions where they were constantly trying to dodge needles, violence and hunger in the inner cities of America."
-BG News, Bowling Green (OH) State University
"High school shooting, inner city gangs armed robbery, this stuff isn't happening in a vacuum."
-Cheboygan (MI) Daily Tribune
"We're not necessarily trying to follow a party line, as much as were just trying to do what we think is right in each category."
-The News Democrat, Georgetown, Ohio
"Any kind of militarization of space I would be opposed to," said Schriner.
-Gainesville Daily Register, Gainseville, Texas
"He (Schriner) says families would benefit from a shorter work week and he supports environmental issues that would improve the health of children."
-Associated Press
"We're so caught up in activities... there's no time for family," said Schriner. -Gothenburg Times, Gothenburg Nebraska.
"I think it's a step forward to go back to those days in this country when neighbors knew neighbors and kids were not afraid to go play sandlot ball on their own," [said Schriner]
-Crescent-News, Defiance, Ohio
"One of the main reasons 'life and liberty' have become 'harder' for Americans, in my estimation, is that we have a corporate dominated society at this point. Corporations have woven their tentacles into almost every aspect of our culture."-said Joe.
-Overworld Magazine, 3/13/2011
Nationally syndicated columnist Dru Sefton [Newhouse News Service] solicited a series of responses from people across the country around the subject of being: "loyal to America." She contacted me for a response (the answer had to be 100 words, or less). This is what appeared in her column: "Loyalty to America should be loyalty to Americans -- in promoting the common good. That is, Shaker Heights Ohioans patriotically say: "Liberty and justice for all," then head into Cleveland's inner city to bring liberty to children dodging hunger, needles and bullets. Santa Monica Californians sing about "spacious skies" in "America the Beautiful," then they bicycle to work in Los Angeles so those spacious skies don't fill with global warming gasses for the next generation. Seneca, Kansas, farmers stop putting toxic chemicals on their "amber waves of grain," so people eating bread in Ephrata, Pennsylvania, don't get cancer. And on..."
-- Joe Schriner, presidential candidate

Columnist Dru Sefton
"But Schriner – who, with his wife and three kids in tow, has logged more than 100,000 miles while campaigning over the past 12 years – takes strength from knowing that “each time people pick up on the ideas, it’s as if we get a policy enacted long before we ever get to D.C.”
--npr.org article
"And asked how he feels about perennial candidates being viewed as also-rans or losers, Schriner says that because of his years on the campaign trail, “…there are now more people doing more to help the urban poor, to help the environment, to help curb crime, to help save the unborn, to help save the family farm, to help the immigrant, to help stem poverty in the Third World… Losers? By whose measure?”
--npr.org article