Our Jonathan is now in Middle School. He plays soccer, basketball and will probably run track. He is fast.
Jonathan, like his brother and sister, loves sports. He is also involved with the Religious Ed. Program at church and is an altar server. (He absolutely loves doing that.)
Jonathan’s favorite school subjects are history, math and art. Also like his brother and sister, Jonathan likes to draw.
He, in fact, just finished an extensive art project – doing a drawing for each of the 50 states. Each picture depicted something significant to each particular state.
For instance, Jonathan did the Statue of Liberty for New York; a logging truck for Oregon; a surf board for California; a Buckeye football player for Ohio; and a pelican for Wisconsin…... Uh, I asked him about the latter.
He said he just felt like drawing a pelican that day.
Actually if you’re going to choose between a badger and a pelican, I think a lot of people (even in Wisconsin) would go with the pelican.

7/15/17 For update about Jonathan, see bottom of page...

Jonathan directs the “Running Braves” as coach / Dad looks on. To hear the story click the mic.

*As a freshman at Bluffton High School in the fall of 2017, Jonathan started on the JV soccer team as a striker. The team went 11-1. He also usually played about half each game at mid-field and striker for a varsity team that won the District Championship. In fact Jon had the lone assist for Bluffton in regulation time, during a championship game that saw two stalemated overtimes, followed by an exciting six-shot shootout. Go Pirates!
Jonathan spent 1,500 bucks on this 1976 British MG roadster. It, let's say, needs a bit of work. Being 14-years-old however, he's got two years to finish it. He's pictured here using a lot of elbow grease one evening out in the garage to hand sand 40 years of rust off one of the wheel rims.

*Jonathan also played guard on the Bluffton High School Freshman Basketball Team in the 2017-18 season. The team went a respectable 12-7.

School year 2018-2019
As a sophomore, Jonathan went to State in track -- participating in the second leg of the 4 x 400-meter relay. He was also named All-District Honorable Mention in soccer that year.

Jonathan, as a sophomore, was named "Honorable Mention" All-District. He is also the starting point guard on Bluffton's JV basketball team.

Jonathan's Bluffton High School Soccer Team went to the State Championship Game in 2019. It was quite a wild ride, with four overtime wins in a row to get there. And even though they lost the Championship Game, they won the hearts of the village. (Subsequent to that game, Jonathan was voted 2nd Team All-State in Ohio.)

Update 12/1/24
Jonathan is now halfway through his senior year at Franciscan University in Ohio. He is majoring in Industrial Organizational Psychology – following in some of his old man’s counseling footsteps, if you will. Jonathan also belongs to one of Franciscan’s “Households.” These are Franciscan’s answer to secular fraternities and sororities. Each Household picks a particular Catholic saint, tries to emulate the saint’s various virtues, and the Household members meet regularly to support each other in this pursuit. *Jonathan’s Household includes a number of his soccer teammates. And speaking of soccer… Jonathan started on the Franciscan U. Soccer Team all four years. He was named the conference “Newcomer of the Year” his freshman year. And other of his awards included being 2nd Team All-Ohio, and First Team All-PAC (Presidents Athletic Conference). Over those four years, the team twice won the Conference Championship, and went into the NCAA National Playoffs – a first in school history. *Jonathan has also worked summers, and throughout the school years, his entire time in college.