Help Us
A brief word on helping with Joe's campaign
Joe supporters: “HELP US!”
We’re up against Goliath!
SuperPACs; mutli-millions of dollars in attack ads; corporate campaign jets, limos, massive new campaign buses… The answer: Faith and David’s sling shot. And from that sling shot will come: Joe flyers, Joe cards, Joe buttons, Joe bumper stickers, Joe apparel, Joe texts, Joe emails, Joe neighborhood parties… everything Joe!
Incidentally, this could actually work! And it will leave the “big boys” – and Hillary, of course -- scratching their heads. Or rather, in relationship to the ‘Goliath thing’: rubbing their foreheads. (Sorry.)
Anyway, scroll down. It’s time to load our collective ‘Joe slingshots’ and show the world: ‘GRASSROOTS DEMOCRACY’ IN AMERICA IS ALIVE AND WELL!
***Click on the links for variations of all items
Pass on Joe flyers and campaign cards everywhere and often! (Door-to door; on town bulletin boards, on car windshields; on town telephone poles; in the mail…)
Get “Joe for president” campaign buttons for your shirt, sweater, suit coat, sports jersey… And wear the buttons on the front and back (seriously). So you can support Joe coming, and going.

'Joemania' has struck!
Want to go bigger? Rent local billboard space and come up with your own design.
Get “Joe for President” bumper stickers, magnetic car signs… And for those more ‘well off’ supporters, consider custom wrapping your ride in ‘Joe graphics,’ of course.
E-mail our website, website blog, Facebook page, Twitter page… to everyone you can think of. Using, of course, your “Joe mousepad.”
Text, or call, everyone you know… about Joe. Rhymes.
Write letters (Remember that?) to people about Joe – on “Joe stationary” no less.
Write supportive, and creative, letters-to-the-editor of your town newspapers – and letters-to-the-editor for the national media as well.
Get “Joe for President” apparel. (And you’ll always be in fashion!)
T-shirts; sweat shirts; baby clothes… Joe might even kiss your baby if he/she is wearing the latter.
And when the weather gets colder (unless of course you’re in American Samoa), there are: Joe sweatshirts!
And don’t forget the “Joe” campaign hats, trucker hats, baseball caps…
Have a ‘cup of Joe’ with Joe (‘s) cup.
Host “Joe for President” neighborhood parties, barbeques, tail gate events…
Beer stein, Joe casual t-shirt, barbeque apron… Food suggestion note: The Lunch Box Restaurant in Staunton, Virginia, has named one of their sandwiches in honor of Joe’s campaign stop there several years ago. The sandwich: “The average Joe Brat” (wurst). Although he's really the (best).
And if you want to get ‘retro with Joe’…
Oh, and don’t forget the key chains…
And to put all this stuff in? A “Joe tote bag” of course...
And even though your kids don't vote...