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Joe reads from a few blog entries...


immigration entry


Ohio stumping entry


Baldwin Wallace College talk entry


more Ohio stumping


football blog entry




"Topics of the day"


*For additional categories (states, colleges, ect), see further below.

About Joe's Blog - Joe Schriner

Blog “Topics of the Day”


One way to use this blog… 


The following spans some 15 years of pretty consistent blogging.  Much of the blogging is based on our travels and a tremendously large amount of research we did on the roads of America.  What I have done on this page (just in case, oh, you might not have time to read the whole blog chronologically) is provide links to some of ”the topics of the day” – see immediately below.  The links will take you to the entries dealing with the various subjects outlined – or if you have other categories you’re interested in – just type them into the search engine on the blog site home page. 


***Note:  Many of the entries for a particular day cover more than one topic.  So the part about the subject you’re interested in may appear, say, in the middle or end of an entry.  --Joe





We have traveled to all 48 states in the Continental U.S. numerous times -- and gained all sorts of information from each.  Not to mention, we've had all sorts of fascinating experiences in many of them as well.  I've provided a few links to some of our experiences in five rather diverse states.  For your state, or your state of interest, just type the state's name into the search engine on the blog site.



I have done research, and talked, at a fair number of colleges across the country.  The links below will take you to a few of these colleges and our experiences on campus.

Extended Periods


During all the years of campaigning and research, we also stopped for various periods of time for “extended stays,” if you will. We spent significant amounts of time in hardscrabble areas of Cleveland, Atlanta and South Bend doing research and outreach work. We had various organic farming experiences during stays in Yorkshire, Ohio – and extended stops in “Amish country.” We, several times, stayed at Koinonia Farm near Americus, Georgia, where we volunteered and interviewed people who would come here from all over the country. We had extensive exposure to Catholic Worker Houses of Hospitality for the poor and homeless throughout the country. And, we on and off lived in Bluffton, Ohio where, well, a whole lot of things happened.

*This has got to be the biggest presidential campaign website EVER about perhaps the most well traveled presidential candidate EVER!


Designed by Elizabeth Wood 2014-17

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