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The new (old) agriculture...


We have extensively researched agriculture in almost all its dimensions as we’ve traveled the past 20 years, or so.  What’s more, we’ve not only researched it, we’ve worked on several farms for extended periods of time to get a much better, hands-on feel for this area of American life.  It is our contention that we should go back to a small farm, agrarian based society – like it was in the “old days.”  Actually, we should have never moved away from this.

"When a small farmer goes out of business, were not only losing a farm, were losing another piece of a way of life that's so integral to this country, said Schriner."  --The Country Today newspaper, Wisconsin


“‘Loyalty to America should be loyalty to Americans – in promoting the common good,’ [said Schriner.] That is… Seneca, Kansas, farmers stop putting toxic chemicals on their ‘amber waves of grain,’ so people eating bread in Ephrata, Pennsylvania, don’t get cancer.” –Dru Sefton’s nationally syndicated column, Newhouse News Service.


“He (Schriner) sees farmland preservation as an important issue and believes schools should teach farming…” – The News Democrat newspaper, Georgetown, Ohio


“He (Schriner) explained that he is concerned about what people eat, particularly his children. If he were president, Schriner said he’d support an effort to return completely to organic agriculture.  –The Citizen newspaper, Urbana, Ohio

Joe helping out on a farm in Lisbon, Ohio

*This has got to be the biggest presidential campaign website EVER about perhaps the most well traveled presidential candidate EVER!


Designed by Elizabeth Wood 2014-17

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