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Campaign 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 & now 2020: 100,000+ miles campaigning to date. Our story has appeared in some 1,000 newspapers, a lot of radio, about 175 regional network TV news shows... and one cable access show ("Voice of the People") in Hibbings, MN. And if there was ever a 'voice of the people', yep, it would be me. 

Joe on his press...

News - Joe

What the media (and others) are saying about Joe...


"Joe Schriner is bypassing the political Parcheesi played by big name politicians," -- Salina (Kansas) Journal reporter Nate Jenkins


"...a message of common sense and an aura as ordinary as his (Schriner's) khaki pants and brown and blue plaid shirt."  --reporter Chuck Frederick, Duluth News, Duluth, Minnesota


"I experience Joe Schriner as a fervent pro-Life candidate who is willing to make great sacrifices for the moral betterment of our nation and the transformation of society. He was an inspiration to our students."  --Fr. Michael Scanlan, former president of Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio.


"A lot of what Joe says really would come across as good, common sense to many Americans. They would gladly have someone like him leading the country." -- editor David Green, The Observer newspaper, Morenci, Michigan.


"[Schriner's] back-to-basics campaign is meant to return government to the ordinary citizen."  -- reporter Kristan Clarke, Jackson Hole News, Jackson Hole, Wyoming.


"Joe's talk during (Sunday) Worship was spirit-led and reflected his and his family's concern for planet Earth - as our addiction to fossil fuels pushes us ever nearer extinction. We need to heed his voice and God's call." --  Rev. Lea Mahan, First United Methodist Church, Wellington, Ohio.


"Isn't our generation ready to put an end to overlooking our problems and truly make our world better?  The first step?  Vote for Joe." --  columnist Leah Beth Bryson, The Vision newspaper, Lambuth University, Tennessee


"Supplementing the national political debate is not Schriner's goal, however.  He intends to be president."  --reporter Daniel Wood, The Christian Science Monitor


"The Schriners [Joe and Liz] were engaging and provocative and did much to stimulate this group of college students to think deeply about issues of environmental, racial and gender justice in America."

-- Perry Bush, Ph.D., Professor of History, Bluffton College, Ohio


"Common Sense. Noun.  1)  The unreflective opinions of ordinary people.  Sound and prudent (Merriam-Webster).  Joe Schriner. Noun.  The presidential candidate who sees the future of America with a common sense philosophy."  --reporter Nathan Eagle, The Daily Advocate, Greenville, Ohio.


"The students were most impressed by the fact that Mr. Schriner seemed to be living out his very challenging campaign rhetoric.  All of them seemed to agree that Mr. Schriner's voice is one that needs to be heard in our country and world."  --John Cooper, Theology Instructor, Xavier University.


"[Schriner] has a populist faith in the American people to fix the problems of federal government with decency and common sense."  --Athens News, Athens, Ohio


"Schriner seems to make a lot more sense than most politicians I try not to listen to. An independent candidate, Schriner has an interesting mixture of conservative and liberal view points.  That, in my opinion, makes him an average Joe."  --editor Steve Zender, The Progressor-Times newspaper, Carey, Ohio


"I'm in awe..." -- Doug Raymond, Straight Talk radio host, Morehead City, North Carolina.


"Mr. Schriner came in to speak to our students and it was the capstone to a pretty amazing project. The students really appreciated his willingness to put himself out there and talk about issues you would not hear from other candidates because they would be deemed unpopular. The students were inspired for what he thought was possible for the country."  --Todd Stanley, teacher, The Christopher Program (Alternative High School), Columbus, Ohio.


"It's refreshing to know that any person can jump up one day and believe his or her ideas are good enough to be listened to on a national stage. What even better is his (Schriner's) determination to have his voice heard in a canyon of political noise."  --Portsmouth Daily Times, Portsmouth, Ohio


“Schriner’s platform is change harkening back to simplicity, common sense and family values.” –reporter Janet Hanson, Rural Northwest (ID) Online News.

*This has got to be the biggest presidential campaign website EVER about perhaps the most well traveled presidential candidate EVER!


Designed by Elizabeth Wood 2014-17

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